This morning, a friend sent a devotional written by Charles Spurgeon that spurred some thoughts about God. In essence, he said we have no reason to doubt God's personal love and care for us because He has inscribed our names on His hands (Isaiah 49:16). He can't forget what He sees all the time. How often I forget this fact! How often I beg God to remember me and my circumstances forgetting, as the Israelites (see Isaiah 49:14-15) that God could not possibly forget me or forsake me. He keeps his promises! I'm the one that fails to believe He will!
Some years ago, I took an online Bible course by Beth Moore called, "Believing God". The first thing she tackled was, "God is Who He says He is". I'm going to review that study in the new year in part because I find myself doubting God too often of late. The first step is knowing who God is! He tells us in the Bible in many places who He is. If we don't know who He says He is, we won't have a basis for faith and will struggle to believe anything He says to us about our life and His love.
One caution: too often today, our culture makes God fit a politically correct mold, a being without power and without opinions about how we should live. God is very clear about who He is and is not wishy-washy or politically correct. He IS worth knowing and His love for me keeps me from falling apart in every way.
If you'd care to learn more about Who God is, start reading the Gospel of John with the question, "Who is God?"