Favor is the expression of the God's grace that accomplishes God's purpose for His glory and our good...The favor of God doesn't necessarily bring comfort and ease to my life.
Consider the stories of Noah, Abram, Moses, Joseph, David, Ruth, Esther, Mary and Jesus who all found favor with God AND had great challenges and what many of us would consider unbearable circumstances to endure.
The person I pondered today was Mary, the mother of Jesus. When God "highly favored" her, she became an unwed mother. In her culture this brought shame on her and her whole family. Furthermore, her son was killed by the government in a horrific manner before her eyes. She most likely bore the unkind, even hateful stigma of people around her every day after God favored her. Her life did bring glory to God and I am certain if she could tell us today about her life, she would say every minute was worth it because of the joy she has now.
I must admit I don't have what it takes (yet) to live and embrace such a highly favored life. I am pondering and wrestling with that today. Will you?