Risk is required in the exercise of faith. If all were known ahead of
time, no faith would be required. Consider Abraham. He was told to
leave Ur, the only home he'd every known, to travel to an unknown place
by simply following God's daily lead. I doubt Abraham would have told us
it was smooth sailing, nor do I think he would say things turned out
the way he imagined them.
I am on a faith journey involving risk.
My husband and I believe we have usefulness in what God is doing around
us in Virginia, so are making needed lifestyle changes to prepare for a
longer stay. We are selling our home, taking the risk there will be a
home for us when it is sold. Since my home matters quite a bit to me,
this feels risky. We're also risking that our jobs will continue in the
coming few years. Nothing is certain as we risk except that God is good
and that He is favorably inclined toward His children.
When have you risked in faith? What was the outcome?