Last Saturday as I read the Bible, I found myself slipping into a dying habit. I read to "get something" out of it for you. Rather than reading with the hope of knowing God better and spending time with Him, I got distracted by the pressure I put on myself to write regularly.
I realized it pretty quickly and stopped. I picked up the book, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, and read the text for June 2. It began, "Relax in My healing, holy Presence..." Just what I needed. I sat in the sunshine gazing at the blue sky and thanked God for being in and around me. I basked in His presence. I enjoyed His very personal love for me that morning.
So true, Linda. Amazing how our enemy would love to derail us into that old way, and rob us of the joy of relationship. I'm finding the same thing lately with painting too, and needing to remind myself to relax... let it flow... have fun. It's not about what can be produced.