Today, many in Colorado and around the world are grieving the loss of earthly lives, ended by the brutal choice of one. My heart is heavy. I long for this and every kind of violence to end - violence in every form. That of guns and war, of spouse to spouse and parent to child, of abusers to their victims and of me to people around me when I am selfish, not loving.
God help us to live the way HE designed us to live - giving grace, loving tenaciously, refusing our natural sinful ways, embracing His commands and living them out.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Such heaviness... who can bear?! As I prepare to go to Colorado in a few days, my heart is filled with fresh grief. But also thankful that I'll be among a group of people whose common mission is the "rehumanization of the world, through the creating of beauty." How this world of ours needs to remember who we are, Whose we are, in Whose image we are made.